Getting Boutique Teeth Whitening in Exeter

Teeth Whitening Kits in Exeter

Step 1: Schedule Your Whitening Consultation at Irish and King Dental in Exeter

Begin your journey to a brighter smile by scheduling an appointment with us at Irish and King Dental. During your visit, our friendly team will guide you through the entire whitening process, ensuring you’re comfortable and well-informed. We’ll discuss your goals, answer any questions you might have, and provide a clear overview of what to expect. Your journey to a whiter smile starts with this simple, stress-free consultation in our welcoming Exeter office.

Boutique Syringes

Step 2: Comprehensive Dental Examination and Custom Impressions

During your visit, our experienced dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to ensure they’re in optimal condition for whitening. We’ll check for any cavities or issues that need to be addressed before proceeding, as it’s essential that your teeth are healthy for the best results. After the examination, we’ll take precise impressions of your teeth, which will be used to create your custom whitening trays. These trays are designed to fit your mouth perfectly, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness during your whitening treatment.

Step 3: Precision Crafting of Your Bespoke Whitening Trays

Once your impressions are complete, we’ll send them to our state-of-the-art laboratory, where our skilled technicians will create your bespoke whitening trays. Each tray is meticulously crafted to fit your teeth with exceptional accuracy, providing even coverage and optimal results. The custom fit ensures that the whitening gel stays in close contact with your teeth while protecting your gums. This step is crucial in delivering the bright, even smile you desire.

Step 4: Begin Your At-Home Whitening Journey and Reveal Your New Smile

After your custom trays are ready, you’ll return to our office to pick them up along with our professional-grade whitening gels. We’ll provide you with detailed instructions on how to use the trays at home, ensuring you’re confident and prepared to achieve the best results. Over the next two to three weeks, you’ll use your trays and gels as directed, gradually unveiling a whiter, more radiant smile. By the end of your treatment, you’ll be ready to show off your beautifully enhanced smile with pride!

Stained teeth
Before Teeth Whitening Treatment
Whitened Teeth
After Teeth Whitening